Volunteer Terms

Applicable to: Swim Centre & Next Gen ISS Bronze Green Open Water Clinic #1 7:00 -7:30 Open Water Clinic #2 7:45 - 8:15 Blue ISS Silver Open Water Clinic #3 8:30 - 9:00 ISS Gold Black Provincial Conditioning & Technique Open Water Clinic #4 9:15 - 9:45 Senior CSI - Provincial Senior Performance CSI - Senior Varsity Fitness

ISC Volunteer Commitment & Penalty System 

NEW! Committee Participation: Each member will agree to sign up for a club committee. Details and descriptions will be provided in September.

Meet Volunteering:

An enormous number of volunteers are needed to host a swim meet.  A system of base points has been established to ensure that ISC has enough volunteers to deliver the designated meets that it hosts during the season. Generally, two (2) base points are awarded for working a preliminary session and 1 base point for working a finals session at a designated meet.  The following tables show the proposed minimum base points that must be earned by member-families at each of the designated meets that will be hosted during the 2018-2019 season.

For each meet (column), members must volunteer the designated number of points based on the group of their most senior swimmer.

Designated Meet

ISC Bennett Cup

ISC Medley Challenge

Tier 2 Champs


Nov 9 - 11

May 24 - 26

July 5 - 7

Senior Performance, CSI




Provincial, Senior




Island Black




Island Blue, Island Green





In addition to requirements for the Hosted Meets, the volunteer obligation is one point in each of the following sets of in-house meets: Note: some dates may change due to pool booking conflicts beyond our control.


Time Trial Meets


October 20

December 15

February 23

All Island Swimming competitive programs

Work one shift at one meet out of these three.



12&U Meets


November 18

February 10

June 9

All Island Swimming competitive programs

Work one shift at one meet out of these three.



School Meets


October 28

February 11

February 13

February 24

All Island Swimming competitive programs

Work one shift at one meet out of these four.


A member’s current volunteer commitment level may change during the swim year depending on registered numbers and athlete movement. More information about the Volunteer Policy can be found in the ISC Policy Manual on the Island Swimming website under Parent Info.

Penalty System

The penalty is $25/point of obligation not met.  For hosted meets, there is escalating penalty structure: if a member family misses their entire obligation for a hosted meet, the penalty per point for subsequent hosted meets will rise by $25/point.